Sunday, January 8, 2012


Lately, it seems as though our lives have been consumed by adoption. And I guess it has. I guess you can say we've been a little obsessive. I belive we have a right to be. To us, adopting a child is priority number 1. So yes I guess thats all we really talk about. I guess it's better than dwelling on the past. Don't get me wrong, not a day goes by that I don't miss our 4 angel babies, but I think if I were to sit and pass blame om myself and others it wouldn't help anything, it wouldn't bring us closer to adding to our family. So I try to stay positive. We have a large support system of friends and family and I'm very grateful for them. I don't have much to say in this post. As far as I know of we aren't very close to adding to our family. That saddens me, but it's a new year and I am praying it will be FAR better than last year!!! Thank you to all my loyal readers, your support and kind words and comments mean so much to me!!! We appreciate each and every one of you!!!!

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