Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Q & A Blog

Here are some frequently asked questions we have been getting lately:

Q: Why have you decided to adopt so early?
A: I have always known I was meant to be a mother. No matter what way that came about I know that that is what I am meant to do with my life. With all the infertilty issues we have had this early in our life, WHY NOT adopt?

Q: Are you guys' still trying to concieve?
A: No. But it's not to say we wouldn't be thrilled if one day God decided to bless us with a natural born child. (But we would love them the same!)

Q: What fertility problems/treatments have you done?
A: We have seen two specialists. I was unable to carry past 7 weeks. (the third time I carried the baby to ten weeks but it passed away when I was 7 weeks pregnant) We have been through routine treatments. I've had my (technical terms) uterus, tubes and cervix checked and everything has came back normal. I have been on Clomid and progesterone hormone. 2 rounds.

Q:Are you nesting?
A: I guess you can say we are. We buy a little here and there as if we were actually pregnant. The nursery will hopefully (fingers crossed) be finished soon! Well as much as can be done at the moment without knowing a gender. We buy gender neutral clothes (I love rubber duckies anyways) and we decided on black nursery furniture (which I love!!) for both themes. We also picked out paint colors! It's all starting to come together!!! Can't wait to put a baby inside!!!

Q:Do you plan to be a stay at home mom?
A: Yes!!! I can't imagine missing a second of our child's life!!

Q:How does Cody feel about the adoption?
A: Since this blog is mostly from my point of view on our story and how I personally deal with day to day living with our situation, I don't think I can really speak for him. I know that he is very excited and ready to be a daddy! I know he wants a little boy,(what man doesn't?) but he will be more than happy with a little princess! With him working full time on his job and me working from home it's mostly me doing the nesting. But he's very involved in the process and will be doing almost everything in the nursery lol! We both support each other everyday with our decision and CAN'T wait to be parents!!!

Q: What agency are you going through?
A: We have decided that we don't want to go through an agency just yet. We see it as the money (around 30,000 at most agencies) that is spent on an agency can be put towards a college fund or an emergency medical fund for the baby. So we have set up some profiles that anyone can view and have them through our family lawyer.

Q: What type of child are you guys' looking for?
A: A baby is a baby no matter what color their skin, hair, and eyes are. The only preference we really have is an infant between 0-3 months. We want that feeling that new parents get with an infant.

Q: What kind of adoption would you and your husband like?
A: I think a lot of adoptive parents want a closed adoption, and I can see why, but I also want our child to know where they came from and that they were adopted because they were loved so much and not that they weren't loved at all. We don't intend on keeping that secret from our child and we don't want them to feel out of place. We are very open to an open adoption where we would send pictures and letters once a month and exchange phone numbers and possible meet every once in awhile.

Q: How prepared are you and your husband for a baby?
A: I think we're probably overly prepared lol. Physically anyways. We are emotionally invested in our decision to adopt and will be even more invested in any child that is placed with us. We were both raised with great morals and in a house full of love and we can't wait to share those with a little one!!!

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